BitLab Academy Courses

"Crypto education from beginner to pro"

Onchain Analysis

Highly recommended for anyone investing in or trading crypto assets. Get a deep understanding of market cycles and the behaviors of different types of market participants; When smart money is buying, identifying likely cycle tops and bottoms and more. Learn how to forecast the best opportunities in the crypto market.


This course will teach you the basic building blocks of technical analysis; understanding price action. This course teaches the core components of price action; candlesticks. You’ll learn what data candles provide & how different types of candles can be used to forecast price action trends & momentum.

Candle Patterns

This course will teach you how to interpret price action using candle patterns & chart formations. You’ll learn how to identify trends & key patterns so you can make informed trading decisions, identify trend reversals & continuation price targets based on an assets price action. Learn this core component of technical analysis.


Technical Indicators are a key component of technical analysis. In this course learn how to use indicators to make informed decisions & maximize profits when trading or investing. Learn how a variety of technical indicators work so you can effectively analyze market trends, momentum, trend strength & signals that help identify developing trend reversals.